Helping You Get The Benefits You May Be Entitled To
We have represented many clients over the years in helping them obtain benefits they are entitled to under SSDI or SSI programs of the Social Security Administration.
Remember, there are strict deadlines for filing your appeal for the next stage of the appeals process. Make sure you are aware of the deadlines and speak to an attorney before the deadline passes. So, call to set an appointment with us soon.
One or both of these programs may apply to you. We can help you navigate through the process of appealing your claims through the request for reconsideration, request for hearing with administrative law judge, and request for review by Appeals Council levels of the process. Let us use our experience to help you get the benefits you are applying for.
Social Security Disability - SSDI (Also Referred to as SSD)
Social Security Disability is a program that you have to pay into while you are still working. Once you stop working, there is typically a 5 year eligibility window where you can apply for and receive the Social Security Disability monthly payments. SSDI usually pays more than SSI.
Supplemental Security Income - SSI
Supplemental Security Income is a means tested disability payment. It does not require a work record or post work eligibility period. This program does have a maximum asset level requirement. If you schedule an appointment, I can help you determine which type of Social Security is best for you to apply for.
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Helping to advise and counsel clients since 1968.
Over 23 Years of Experience
Representing individuals, small businesses, and government entities.